Christmas Candy Carb List by the Diabetic Angels
Christmas is only a few days away, and it is our hope here on the Diabetic Angels to help you get through the Holiday Season from office parties to family get-togethers with this handy #CandyCarbList!!
Enjoy your Christmas time and use this Christmas Candy Carb List on your phone or desktop whenever you need it! No need to look at the back of the candy rapper or dessert box, we’ve got it all here for you!
*Please feel free to share this! Please do not repost our content without credit to the DiabeticAngels. If posting to tumblr, please reblog from us, @DiabeticAngels, and please do not remove our credit. We’ve worked long and hard on this, and we appreciate your honesty. :) We’ve also posted this on Pinterest!*
If you use our carb list,please like it and comment if it helps you and your family, we love hearing your feedback.
Merry Christmas!